Happy 2009!

Moving is happening just swimmingly- although there are some plumbing issues to correct before we move in for good.

Anon- we are very thankful that we can move in- we weighed the costs and it makes sense for us now, not two years from now.

As for Westside Story- I'll update everyone when we start the process of negotiating with the PPCL regarding remodeling. I wonder how they feel about gargoyles and a moat?


Anonymous said…
Glad you got in before the market tanked in PP...enjoy those property taxes.
Keir said…
Moved in yet? Surely this is not the end of the Westside story...
Anonymous said…
be nice?

&people h8 the Ocuplete Mom.

This - you -are what's really distasteful about American society - your designer family, with you ridculous possessions & stupid sense of entitlement.

Good luck, & by that I mean, go away forever.
Terri said…
Problem- you have made it quite clear that you do not care for my world, so why do you keep visiting? It's been well over a year and my family is still doing the exact same thing it was doing to irritate you a year ago.

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